Bio Gas + CNG
Methane, also known as CH4 is a chemical compound with the potential of switching the world’s energy dependence from polluting sources to non-polluting sources. Comprising of one carbon and 4 hydrogen atoms, methane has ample potential as an energy source and most importantly, as a green energy source. Unlike fossil fuels that require intensive infrastructure investments in terms of sourcing, extraction, collection & processing, methane requires a very low capital investment. In addition, the usage of methane can also help avoid the grave environmental impact due to the utilization of fossil fuels.
Biogas Upgradation
Majority of the usable methane is found in the form of waste gas or biogas. Biogas, which mainly comprises of CH4 and C02 is the most commonly used source for obtaining fuel worthy methane. The process of extracting the methane from the biogas is known as biogas upgradation or biogas purification. Today, there are many well-known technologies for biogas upgradation available in the market, but not all of them are as cost efficient.
As the biogas upgradation method is a relatively new form of harnessing energy, there are only a few companies that have a successful track record in this domain.
Biogas Upgradation (Purification/Refining)
Another major hurdle is the fact that most upgradation providers cannot offer methane capture rates of more than 95%, which results in a significant loss of revenue for the client. Keeping this major hurdle in mind, Aadirec upgradation systems are designed to offer methane capture rates of up to 95-98%, which was previously unheard of in the biogas upgradation industry.
Aadirec can offer the most affordable prices in the market because it manufactures most of its equipment in-house. Ranging from the fabrication of the vessels to the manufacturing of Its own vacuum pumps. In addition, the manufacturing standards can be customized based on the requirements of the clients, which could offer further cost savings.
Aadirec upgradation systems are fully automated SCADA based systems. The added benefit of accessing and controlling the plant remotely allows foradded flexibility and cost savings in terms of manpower and quality assurance.
Upgrading the biogas or the waste gas offers the user multiple avenues of revenue generation or cost reduction. The upgraded gas,also known as Bio-Methane or BioCNG can be compressed and bottled for commercial sale to industries, local restaurants and hotels, schools, etc. It can also be pumped in the form of Piped Natural Gas (PNG) if a piping network is available nearby. While a captive consumer with an internal need of the gas can purify, upgrade the gas to match the requirements of their boiler, turbines and reduce their reliance on externally purchased natural gas. Many clients of have successfully reduced their costs of procuring natural gas by utilizing their waste gas for the operation of their boilers. Some clients such as Amul Dairy & Banas Dairy, Asia’s largest largest Milk processor, have achieved payback periods of less than 12 months on their total investments. Read more in the case study below